Ways to Create a Dementia-Friendly Environment


Everyone, regardless of Dementia, deserves to live meaningful lives. Adept Touch In-Home Care Services LLC can help make a difference by creating an enabling environment that allows those with Dementia to live with dignity. Here’s how our in-home care services in Lomita, California can help.

Making persons with Dementia homes safer helps them take care of their own needs without requiring someone to watch over them constantly, which can lead to discontent. Assessing all rooms and corridors for trip hazards and obstructions is essential in making the house safer.

Preparing ahead of time can also help your loved one live more independently. For example, lay out their clothes every morning but allow them to dress independently— only assist them when necessary.

It is essential to encourage the person with Dementia to be active; by staying physically fit, they will be able to stay independent for longer and even move around their house more safely without needing continual care from a family member. Numerous chair-based exercises are available for those with Dementia who have limited movement. Home care aides in Orange County, California can support and guide them when they exercise.

Encourage their involvement wherever possible, even if they will want support to complete the entire task. Even if meal preparation is too difficult to accomplish alone, the person with Dementia can help with a portion of it. Allow them to contribute in suitable ways rather than disempowering them by assuming they are incapable without assistance.

Your loved one can enjoy their life comfortably and safely with our in-home care in Los Angeles County, California.

We also provide respite care for family caregivers. Contact us today!

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